
Posts Tagged ‘Health’

7 Best Tips To Get More Done

April 9, 2013 Leave a comment


If you are trying to get more things done, then organization should be the main thing that you should focus on. When you are organized, you will realize that things just seem to run smoother. Whether it is with your belongings or with your schedule, you will need to make sure that things are organized.

Time Management

When you manage your time correctly, you will surely get more things done. This means that you should make use of every hour of the day and try your best to stay productive at all times.


While you are working, you will need to remain focused at all times. Remember that you do not want to waste any time and it is important to try your best to not distracted by little things like the internet and other minor distractions.


You will need to understand that nutrition is something very crucial towards your focus throughout the day. An unhealthy diet will lead to an up and down day that will lead to less focus. If you are able to eat a healthy diet, you will see an increase in your focus.


Getting enough sleep is very important and 8 hours a day should be the minimum. If you happen to feel tired during the day, then a 15 minute nap will have you up and ready in no time.


You will be energetic after this short nap and you will be able to get this energy from caffeine. However, you do not want to take caffeine 5 hours before you sleep as it can stop you from getting a good night of sleep.

Taking a Break

Sometimes working too hard can wear you down and so you will simply need to take a break to see more things get done in the future. Take a break and you will then be back to work with a new sense of motivation.

Is Being Obesessed With Beauty Vain and Pointless

September 21, 2011 1 comment

Is Being Obesessed With Beauty Vain and Pointless?

Am I Vain Because I’m Obsessed With Beauty?If you are reading this blog you probably love beauty products and fashion like I do but I admit I may carry it to the point of obsession at times.Many times people who have this drive to make themselves pretty are considered vain,conceded or overly self involved.Believe me,there are plenty of people that are vain that are not into fashion and beauty!

So what drives us to this passion for fashion if it isn’t vanity?For me personally it is an art form.I love the unique,different and sometimes bizarre because it fuels creative passion inside.I see something beautiful in every woman I come in contact with.I don’t mean “internal beauty”B.S.Lets just face it that is a load of crap.There are “beautiful” and “ugly” people who are horrible human beings and the other way around.I’m talking about actual physical appearance.First impressions only.So many women don’t see their actual physical attributes for many reasons.They may have the most beautiful personality on the inside but they take a look in the mirror and see nothing they find attractive about themselves.The blow to their self esteem can impact who they are inside and how they react to others.
If you know someone or see someone who looks a little low on the self esteem department finding something attractive about that person and letting them know can make their day and possibly change their outlook on themselves.

My absolutely favorite thing to see is a 90 year old lady who’s looks have long gone walking down the street in her bright red lipstick and matching red orthopedic pumps.You know when she was getting ready to go out she felt pretty and young.After all its really about how you feel about yourself.

Don’t compare yourself to 90lb super models who are barely 18 years old.Look at what you find attractive in other women in your same age and size range.What are they wearing or doing with their makeup or hair that you like?Treat yourself to a new lip gloss in a similar shade, a trip to the salon for a new do, or a cute shirt in a style you’ve seen that you like.

Don’t be afraid to look in the mirror and say yanno what I like my lips or eyes.Or god forbid…I have nice boobs!We all tend to see the worst in ourselves and focus on hiding those parts instead of enhancing the parts we like.It isn’t vanity,its self love and awareness.When you exude confidence and feel attractive others will see you that way too.

Treat yourself like the princess you are and demand others to treat you the same as you treat yourself.This doesn’t mean you need to be a glam queen and wear glitter and a tiara!(although that would be a nice touch)You just need to celebrate your beauty every once in a while.Enjoy being a woman! We have enough crap to deal with in the PMS department we all deserve a little vanity and self love from time to time.And if you already a diva, ROCK ON!! Don’t let anyone make you feel any different.